Taylor Davidson · 2009
I love the street food in Asia.
What I love about street stall eateries in Asian cities.
Financial Models Are (Still) Always Wrong: Create One Anyway
After a lot of interest from entrepreneurs for a simplified version of that model, today I’m releasing a streamlined version that will make it easier for entrepreneurs to start understanding the equation underlying their businesses.
Making Myself Uncomfortable (A Zombie's Journey)
A story about a zombie's early morning flight from New Orleans to San Francisco.
The Passing of the Polymath
Once admired for their breadth of knowledge and ability, polymaths are now ironically mocked for the exact same quality. Why?
The smooth subversion of air travel
The Tuttle Club
A note about Tuttle, my new favorite ritual in London.
DSLRs are SUVs
Do people really want bigger cameras? No, and that’s why the micro 4/3 innovation is important, not as a sign that micro 4/3 is the solution the mass market wants, but that DSLRs aren’t really what the mass market wants, either.
Three days hiking in the Rila Mountains, Bulgaria (a story untold)
An improvised three days hiking in the Rila Mountains in Bulgaria.
Looking out, looking in.
A hot, languid day train from Bulgaria to Romania, (Veliko Tarnovo to Bucharest via Ruse)
An introvert, in the wild.
Introverts live differently than extroverts. Not surprisingly, they also travel differently. Trust me, I know.
Creating the means to match the spirit (How to Plan for Travel)
Responding to a request to outline the logistics of a nomadic life beyond the small matter of what to pack.
One night on a train from Istanbul to Sofia
Snippets from an overnight train ride on the Bosphorus Express from Istanbul, Turkey to Sofia, Bulgaria on my current little jaunt.
Street Art from Istanbul, Turkey
A request for street art, fulfilled.
Modern Flaneurs
The term flaneur may date back to another era, but it’s an idea and an action more relevant today than ever.
Zombie travel is travel without conscious thought.
One Night at an Internet Cafe in Tokyo (a recommended experience)
Tokyo, Japan
How to Pack for a Nomadic Life (and the 79 things I packed).
The 79 things I packed for a trip around the world.
One Way to Sleep in Tokyo (Not Recommended)
Three people living lives too cool to ignore.
The data revolution in baseball continues.
On technology and data-driven decision-making in baseball.
Unbundling the Photography Industry, Redux
Break down the stack of services in the photography industry and imagine a photography sales platform that operates as a search engine through the internet’s warehouse of images; the current issues in the photography industry are signs of long-term pressures and hints of the industry’s future.
Ambient Intimacy: Creating Archetypes from Avatars
A Personal API could be a modularized, standardized interface for collaboration.
Continuing the conceptual thinking around a “personal API”
A little known fact: I'm actually a baseball geek.
I expected to like Durango, and I did.
How to Live a Nomadic Lifestyle
Modeling Viral Loops
Articles on modeling viral customer acquisition loops
Financial Models Are Always Wrong: Create One Anyway.
Why is creating a financial model important?
My Cities 2008
72 different cities in 5 countries.
See all posts.