Taylor Davidson · 2008

Be Undeniably Good
How to make it.

Content is cheap, context is expensive. Is it any surprise which one we lack?
Why is context scarce?

Lesson 5: Make Great Work
It’s still about the art.

Lesson 4: Connect with context and content
It’s always been about creating great content, but there’s now a larger opportunity than ever to deliver great context.

Lesson 3: Take advantage of the oversupply and target your brand, your niche, your fans, your customers
Forget about fighting the market. Stand above the market and create your own.

Lesson 2: Take advantage of the atomization of demand and expand the scope of consumption
What are the business opportunities for photographers?

Lesson 1: Photographers are your customers, not your competition
Where is the money in photography?

Five Lessons: How Photographers can Create New Business Models
The start to a five lesson series about how photographers can create new business models.

How to Fail - 25 Lessons Learned through Failure
Close observation and unfortunate first-hand personal experiences have taught me many lessons about why companies fail. Here’s 25.

What Startups can learn from Billy Beane
Moneyball was about strategy, not tactics: constantly measuring and re-evaluating tactics and alternatives, not about determining and defining the “winning tactic”.

Centralia, PA
A smoldering ghost town tucked away in Pennsylvania.

Cutting a desire path through life
Desire paths are how people have chosen the best route to navigate their physical world, whether it is the “intended” path or not.

Unordered Thoughts from India
Pune, India

Cultural Tourism

My Cities 2007
77 cities on a year on the road

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