I think about technology and photography, and have been noted in Fast Company, Wired, MIT Technology Review, AngelList, and more.
I think about technology and photography, and have been noted in Fast Company, Wired, MIT Technology Review, AngelList, and more.
In a world where our inboxes are chock-full-of information, Taylor Davidson's newsletter brings perspective, context and, most importantly, insight. I always expect Taylor's newsletter to teach me something, and he has yet to disappoint.
Lenny Lebovich, CEO and Founder, PRE
My Cities, 2024
22 cities and 74 nights away from home.
AI is a Photographer
Is AI the new filter or the new lie?
For something to be great, it has to have a bit of you in it.
A unique perspective is hard-won, don't shrink from the fight.
Donation Commerce
How to make money by offering products for free.
Thank you, ChatGPT
A short detail on how I built a new website feature
My Cities, 2023
28 cities and 73 nights away from home.