Taylor Davidson · Looking out, looking in.

A hot, languid day train from Bulgaria to Romania, (Veliko Tarnovo to Bucharest via Ruse)
by Taylor Davidson · 31 Aug 2009

A hot, languid day train from Bulgaria to Romania, (Veliko Tarnovo to Bucharest via Ruse); as uneventful, in a good way, as a night train from Turkey to Bulgaria.

Looking out, looking in, Ruse, Bulgaria
Looking out, looking in, Ruse, Bulgaria

Create enough friction and people will find a way around; business models, undermined.

(Hopefully the analogies to file-sharing, the music industry and the misguided implementations and business models behind DRM are obvious enough to escape the need to mention…)

Down the rails, Bulgaria
Down the rails, Bulgaria

Create enough mess, and people will want to clean it up (whether it’s worth it or not); business models and the links between actions and results, misunderstood.

Peace in stillness, Ruse, Bulgaria
Peace in stillness, Ruse, Bulgaria

For every cultural movement, an early warning. Models for life, tested.

Outward, Bulgaria
Outward, Bulgaria

Surfacing data, surfacing decisions; models for life, created.